Facing Foreclosure?
Its not too late you have Options
Stronghold Credit and Financial Group LLC
What is known today as Stronghold Credit and Financial Group LLC was born during the economic and real estate disaster back in 2008. The founder of the company went through the same situation that many Americans suffered back then. After losing his own home, the founder looked for assistance to fight the impending eviction.
After talking to several attorneys and not being able to find anyone who could delay the eviction long enough for him to find another home to move his family, he decided to do his own research and fight the case himself. As a result, he was able to fight the case and delay the eviction for 14 months. That led him to believe that there were families who could use his newly found knowledge, so he decided to start providing this service. Today, 13 years later, Stronghold Credit and Financial Group dba “Delay the Stay” has become a major player that has helped over 4,000 families delay the eviction process. We now help families prior to losing their home and their equity by giving them back control to cash out money and save their credit. For the families who sometimes wait too long and get to the point of losing their home and the equity along with it,
We provide a service to delay the eviction long enough to allow families to save money and find a place to move with their families. In a nutshell, what we provide today is peace of mind, and an easier transition for life to continue after foreclosure
Our Foreclosure Defense Attorneys Work With You By:
1. Assessing Your Situation
There are many reasons why our clients face foreclosure, such as job loss, sudden illness, divorce, and excessive debt obligations. Our seasoned foreclosure defense lawyers will analyze your situation to determine the most effective and appropriate course of action
2. Determining Your Best Solution
During your initial consultation, our goal is to devise a plan to help settle your case quickly and with as little financial and emotional distress as possible. Our approach to your defense will depend upon where you stand in the foreclosure process.
3. Implementing Your Foreclosure Defense
An active defense can help the process with your lender to determine better solutions than the continued time and expense of litigation. With our law firm on your side, you will receive proper representation with responding to bank notices, during negotiations, and if necessary, vigorous representation in court.
4. Your Simple Process
1) Call 1-916-226-1877
2) Get an overview of programs available in your area.
3) Decide what program may help you lower payments & save your home.